Solution LAB2 guanine 4
- Back to the previous page: Electronic properties of isolated molecules#Exercise 4
An example of input file for pp.x
to plot the HOMO of guanine ( follows:
&INPUTPP prefix="guanine_DFT" outdir="./SCRATCH" plot_num=7 filplot = "wfc_HOMO.pp" kband=28 kpoint=1 lsign=.true. / &PLOT nfile=1 filepp(1)="wfc_HOMO.pp" iflag=3 output_format=5 fileout="wfc_HOMO.xsf" /
by running as
pp.x < > pp_HOMO.out
should produce as output the file wfc_HOMO.xsf
that can be plotted using xcrysden
Here is a sketch of the guanine HOMO isosurface:
- Total and projected density of states are calculated using
. An example of input file is:
&PROJWFC prefix='guanine_DFT' outdir="./SCRATCH" ngauss=0 degauss=0.01 /
by running as
projwfc.x < > pdos.out
it produces a file containing the total density of states (guanine_DFT.pdos_tot) and a series of files containing the density of states projected on each atom and each atomic orbital e.g.
guanine_DFT.pdos_atm#1(C)_wfc#1(s) contains the dos projected on the s orbital of the first Carbon atom
guanine_DFT.pdos_atm#8(N)_wfc#2(p) contains the dos projected on the p orbitals of the eighth Nitrogen atom
The projected dos can be further processed. To obtain the projected dos on a species we can sum up the DOS on all the atoms of the same species using the sumpdos.x
executable e.g.:
sumpdos.x guanine_DFT.pdos_*C* > C.dat sumpdos.x guanine_DFT.pdos_*N* > N.dat sumpdos.x guanine_DFT.pdos_*O* > O.dat sumpdos.x guanine_DFT.pdos_*H* > H.dat
that can be plotted:
note the energy reference can be found in the quantum espresso output and here you can recognise the peaks corresponding to HOMO and LUMO at -5.42 and -1.37 eV.